Mar 27, 20214 min

10 Fun Things You Can Do With CBD

Most people, when they consider taking cannabidiol (CBD), it’s to help ease health concerns like anxiety or insomnia. The therapeutic properties of CBD have started to become more researched and understood by scientists. Anecdotally men and women have been raving about the power of CBD for years. What people don’t know is how versatile CBD is and how business owners, culinary masters, and everyday connoisseurs are using it in new and exciting ways.

10 Fun Things You Can Do With CBD

1| CBD Edibles

As a child, you probably loved gummy bears. You opened a package of strawberry or fruit punch gummies and enjoyed the squishy goodness. While you may have enjoyed every bite, your parents probably didn’t approve of all the sugar. Well, now you can show your parents that you CBD gummies may have some added sugar, but they come with a health benefit.

CBD edibles also come in other forms, besides the traditional CBD gummy bear. You can find CBD gummy worms, happy faces, rings, and cherries, and the amount of CBD varies per bear and product too. Pure CBD edibles cost more, but the quality is higher.

2| CBD Cocktails

Most people dabble in CBD capsules, oils, vapes, or edibles to achieve relaxation, but now CBD cocktails have become trendy. CBD tinctures can have a strong taste, so you need to be careful with how much you add. Plus, it’s safer to pick a spirit with a heavy dominant flavor of its own like mezcal, tequila, or bourbon.

3| CBD Recipes

If you love to cook or want to wow your guests with a CBD infused dish then try a few CBD recipes at your next dinner party. Cooking with CBD isolate or concentrate is fun and more comfortable than you think. You can add CBD to everything from guacamole to chocolate brownies.

Like with cocktails, paying attention to the combination of flavors, and adding the right amount helps ensure the CBD recipe works. If you’re uncertain how to cook with CBD, try something sweet and chocolaty first. Since everything tastes better with the milky richness of chocolate, you’re bound to be successful.

4| CBD Creams

When you experience tight muscle or joint pain, rubbing in a high-quality CBD cream helps alleviate pain and swelling. You can also use a CBD cream as a moisturizer to relieve dry skin and other skin conditions.

Plant-based CBD topicals can come infused with essential oils like lavender or chamomile to further aid relaxation or sleep. For those, who want THC too, some CBD creams have the added compound. But remember, THC is psychoactive and may lead to a relaxed high.

5| CBD for Cats and Dogs

Now, who said that CBD was only for grownups. The latest canine trend is giving your dog or cat a CBD dog treat. Plus, just like humans, cats and dogs have health concerns too. While research is still in its initial stages, CBD may help your furry friends regulate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve other essential body functions. CBD cat and dog treats come in your pets favorite flavors like beef or bacon.

6| CBD Beauty Products

The popularity of CBD is far-reaching and has now landed its way into your favorite eye cream or mascara. CBD infused beauty products are everywhere now. But for a good reason. CBD has few adverse effects and works with your body’s endocannabinoid system to help regulate many essential bodily functions. There’s no reason why adding a hydrating CBD lip balm to your bag isn’t a good idea.

7| CBD-Induced Soaking Salts

When you’re having a hard time falling asleep or want to relax, soaking in a hot tub is an excellent solution. Some men and women add bubbles or turn on calming music. While now, you can add CBD-induced soaking salts. Bath salts already have a unique combination of natural healing salts, minerals, and botanical infusions. When you add CBD to the mixture, your ensuring total body relief from daily stress.

8| CBD Latte

Most people love their morning cup a joe. Now coffee lovers can try their morning elixir with CBD. One popular method is in a CBD latte or mocha. Add a few drops of CBD when you steam the milk, and you’ll fall in love with your concoction. For those with dairy concerns, try an almond-milk CBD latte with stevia. The richness of the almond milk pairs nicely with CBD and stevia is calorie-free.

9| CBD Nature Walks

Research shows that nature helps heal, calm, and destress people. When you surround yourself with plants and trees, you’re getting away from it all and adding more oxygen in your life. Why not bring along some CBD?

You can add a few drops sublingually right before you trek or stroll and as you make your way through the woods, it will help you further relax. Remember, CBD doesn’t get you high but instead helps regulate temperature, inflammation, and sleep cycles, but it may heighten your nature walk.

10| CBD Acupuncture

Acupuncture involves the insertion of tiny needles in specific points throughout your body. It’s a part of traditional Chinese medicine and has been used for hundreds of years to treat pain, overall wellness, including stress management.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses acupuncture as a method for balancing the life force or the flow of energy, known as chi or qi (chee). When you insert needles into certain points, acupuncturists believe that your energy flow re-balances.

Another part of traditional Chinese medicine is herbs, and CBD used to be an herb used in conjunction with acupuncture. Now, some acupuncture practitioners are adding the herb back into treatment. When you undergo acupuncture, you can add broad-spectrum CBD to your health plan.

CBD provides many health benefits, but also some surprisingly fun uses. Try a CBD cocktail or whip up some cannabidiol-infused brownies. Or for more adventure-minded people, take a nature hike or try acupuncture with CBD ladened tea. You’ll be surprised by how much fun you’ll have exploring the magic of CBD.
